Recent stats show around 60,000 migrants to NZ last year and of those some 23,500 from Australia, most being Kiwis returning home.
This year is predicted to be a record one for tourism numbers. Serious and unsettling events going on overseas will no doubt add to both the above statistics in the future.
All of this highlights what will be an increasing awareness and interest in our country and in our region.
We have seen the effects of that over the past year and without doubt as we look to what 2016 will bring, the property market in the wider Tauranga area will continue with high levels of activity.
On the supply side, the increase in new housing stock across existing subdivisions and those going through the planning stages are critical if prices are to remain at reasonable rates of increase over the next 12 months.
Our recent auction and sales results this month show that levels of demand are still high.
Our outstanding marketing campaigns and effective sales teams are delivering excellent results so now is the time to talk with EVES whether you are considering buying or selling.
EVES, more people selling more property.
Ross Stanway