When I look at the economic growth of our region I am heartened by what I see. The region and our city continues to go from strength to strength which can only be good for all of us as ‘our place’ continues to attract more people and investment which produces more and more opportunities for individual abundance and shared success.


The Bay of Plenty - is quite literally one of the very best places in the country to live - in terms of quality of life; work - in terms of opportunity; play - in terms of community, entertainment and sport, and to bring up a family in terms of education, safety and a positive future.


With changing needs and growing confidence comes the desire for a change in where we live. Our research supports the fact that if there was ever a time to sell well, it’s now. Many price ranges and several property types indicate supply gaps which in turn creates real opportunities for sellers as demand rises.


So when you need to sell and for a premium, talk to any of our consultants to learn how we sell so many properties for the very best price the market will pay.


Time for you to take advantage of our expertise. Call today.


EVES, more people selling more property.