The COVID-19 situation here in New Zealand continues to evolve daily with learnings from around the world being widely adopted.
We wanted to let you know that at the heart of our business, as it has always been, are our people. This is at the forefront of our mind as we work to ensure the health and wellbeing for all who are part of our company; be that members of staff, salespeople, property managers and ultimately the people we are acting on behalf of – you, our clients.
We want to reassure you that we are following all advice and complying with the Ministry of Health (MOH) recommendations and taking guidance from the Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ) as to how we continue to operate.
Business Continuity
We have initiated a Business Continuity Plan and our Executive Leadership Group is committed to taking all necessary steps to keep our people safe while supporting New Zealand’s strategies to contain the spread of COVID-19.
We continue to operate and have world class systems, infrastructure and communication tools to enable our salespeople and property managers to continue to provide high levels of service to our clients in these uncertain times.
Please find below some specific guidelines and protocols that we are adhering to:
• We have signage positioned at the entryway of all our auction venues which advises attendees to not attend if they are feeling unwell, if they
have been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 and to get in touch if 14 days after attending if they feel unwell.
• Hand sanitiser is also available.
• We often experience a large number of people attending our auctions so we have reduced the number of auctions in each session that we schedule; this means we are able to reduce the number of people in the room at one time, but not reduce the number of people attending for each property. We are also extending the space between our chairs to that there is a greater physical distance between attendees.
• Our auction venues are being thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after each auction day.
• If one of our vendors or buyers is reluctant to attend in person, then participation by phone is an option. Buyers can bid by phone or another person can be approved to bid on their behalf. Our salespeople have the necessary forms to ensure this is done in accordance with the REA Act 2008.
• We are keeping a register of attendees, in order to have a record of attendance so that if required, we can identify who was in the room at a certain time.
Open Homes
• At present open homes can be held, but your salesperson will discuss directly with you as to whether you would like to continue to have open homes or if you would prefer to move to private viewings by appointment.
• Salespeople will have hand sanitiser available for attendees and they are also taking care to have high standards of personal hygiene.
• A register of all attendees will be maintained, again this is in order to have a record of attendance so that if required, we can identify who attended an open home.
• Signage will be displayed and included in purchaser packs; it will ask attendees not to attend if they are feeling unwell, if they have been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 and to get in touch if 14 days after attending if they feel unwell. If private viewings are arranged, then this information will be emailed in advance.
We will continue to monitor the situation and will be constantly refining our Business Continuity Plan as well as communicating any changes to the above that will have an impact on the marketing or sale of your property.