Whangarei Real Estate | EVES

Whangarei Branch Locations

Visit our local branch to chat through all your buying and selling needs.

EVES Real Estate (Whangarei)

96 Walton Street
09 438 0071

EVES Property Managers - Whangarei

96 Walton Street, Whangarei
09 438 0072

Our Whangarei Salespeople

EVES Real Estate (Whangarei)

96 Walton Street    09 438 0071    whangarei@eves.co.nz

Kristine Faltado

Accounts Manager

Josh Sefton

Social Media & Brand Marketing Coordinator

Robyn Anderson

Compliance Manager & Office Support

Madeline Bassett

Sales Support

Briar Waite

Sales Support

Donna Barnes

PA to Brooke Gibson

Janine Treweek

PA to Richard Lyon

Sharnee Maynard

PA to Mike Procter

EVES Property Managers - Whangarei

96 Walton Street, Whangarei    09 438 0072    rentalswhangarei@eves.co.nz

Paula Ryburn

Manager Rentals Department

09 438 0072 / 027 465 3992

Rebecca Roycroft

Property Manager

021 587 082

Natalie Cherrington

Property Management Cadet

Alison Weenink

Property Management Administrator

Jamie Thomson


Free Guides for Home Buyers and Sellers

EVES Buyers Guide

This guide is designed to help you through the final stages of purchasing a home, from having made an offer to getting organised for moving day. Yours free! Simply download below.

EVES Moving Guide

Moving into your new home is an exciting experience. Whether you're buying your first home, upsizing or downsizing, we have prepared a guide to help you get planning.

Preparing your home for sale

While some homes require barely any work at all to prepare them for sale, others need a little additional help to really attract the market’s interest. We’ve put together a few recommendations to make your property stand out in the marketplace so you can maximise the sale price of your hom