Papamoa 6A Marjorie Lane
Fifty Steps to the Sandy Beach
With good reason this almost beachfront home has been held tightly within this family since the 1980s. Exceptional views down the east coast towards Maketu and White island while stunning Motiti island rises from the lounge window to the north. It is a view that one will never tire of. Whether you decide to broaden this view in time with a home alteration or rebuild, crave a cosy beach holiday pad just the way it is, or simply wish for a family home where your backyard is the white sands of Papamoa beach, the choice is yours.
While the home is original excepting the retro fitting of double glazing through much of the home, and the comforts of 'DVS' and heat pump, it matters not. Comfort, warmth, and charm are in abundance with the light from virtual wrap around windows in the living spaces combine with the beauty of the timber sarked ceilings. A wrap around deck to the entire living space means both cool crisp sunny mornings and balmy evenings under the setting sun can be enjoyed equally.
Built on a concrete block foundation with 'Nu Look Aluminium Siding' as its versatile cladding, this three bedroom home also features a large internal garage, additional boat parking and an internal basement space that could be converted to extra sleeping or lounge space.
It's clear this home has been the attraction for the wider family over many summers. With a move to a retirement village imminent for my vendors, your chance to buy this piece of kiwiana awaits.
Create your memories here, sale at auction if not prior, is your opportunity.
Property ID:
Legal Description:
Firstly an estate in fee simple as to an undivided 1/2 share in all that parcel of land containing 842 square metres (more or less) being Lot 9 on Deposited Plan DPS 14930 and Secondly an estate in Leasehold under Lease number B044872.3 being Flat 2 on Deposited Plan DPS 57983. Both the first and second estates being comprised and described in Record of Title SA49B/455 (South Auckland Registry).
Year Built*:
Exterior Construction:
Concrete Block, Nulook Aluminium
House Area*:
160 square metres (approx)
Stove, Fixed Floor Coverings, Blinds, Light Fittings, Rangehood, Dishwasher, Auto Garage Door Opener x1, Auto Garage Door Remotes x2, Heat Pump x1, Fixed Cupboards (in Garage), Panel Heaters x3, HRV System, Bird Bath, Solar Tubes (on Roof) Umbrella (on Deck).
*Please note: the floor area and property information was sourced from Property Guru and/or LINZ.