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Level 1, 247 Cameron Road, Tauranga
Chief Executive Officer
07 579 0669 / 021 636 889
Email Heath
Bay of Plenty Auction Manager & Auctioneer
022 094 9645
Email Jordan
Head of Finance
07 579 0710 / 021 628 660
Email Mary
Compliance Manager
07 579 0665 / 027 474 7812
Email Malcolm
AML Compliance Officer
07 579 0655 / 027 261 2561
Email Lydia
General Manager, Marketing & Communications
07 579 0686 / 027 330 3232
Email Gabriella
Marketing Manager
07 579 0681 / 020 4101 3233
Email Tanya
Marketing Executive
07 579 0788 / 027 237 0417
Email Genevieve
Sponsorship & Events Manager
07 579 0668 / 027 576 0066
Email Vicki
Training & Development Manager
07 579 0792 / 027 613 5837
Email Sylvie
General Manager of Business Development
07 579 0648 / 027 579 7558
Email David
Head of People & Technology
07 579 0677 / 021 025 88642
Email Pauline
Executive Assistant
07 579 0688 / 027 245 5455
Email Kristin
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This free, no obligation service is an inspection of your property to help determine a realistic selling price in comparison with other comparable properties that have sold or that your property, if it came to the market, would be competing against. Your salesperson will take you through the appraisal and comparisons step by step to give you a good understanding of the current market.