EVES Rotorua
1172 Haupapa Street, Rotorua 07 349 0819 rotorua@eves.co.nz

Steve Lovegrove
General Manager - Eastern BOP

Karamea Broadman
Residential Sales

Joshua France-Meeuws
Residential & Lifestyle Sales

Kellie Kanara-Batt
Residential Sales

Gerald van der Meer
Residential Sales & Auctioneer

EVES Whakatane
205 The Strand, Whakatane 07 463 0020 whakatane@eves.co.nz

Steve Lovegrove
General Manager - Eastern BOP

Pat Jarvey
Residential and Lifestyle Sales

Steve Robinson
Residential and Lifestyle Sales

EVES Property Managers - Eastern Bay of Plenty
1172 Haupapa Street, Rotorua 07 348 3491 rentalsrot@eves.co.nz
205 The Strand, Whakatane 07 348 3491 rentalsrot@eves.co.nz

Joanna Martinez-Hart
General Manager - Property Management

Tracey Stoneham
Team Leader – Rentals, Eastern Bay & Group Rentals Finance Manager

Rhonda-Lee Nuttall
Property Manager