Our People | 160+ Real Estate Sales People | EVES

EVES Rotorua

1172 Haupapa Street, Rotorua   07 349 0819    rotorua@eves.co.nz

Steve Lovegrove

General Manager - Eastern BOP

07 222 5234 / 021 727 338

Joshua France-Meeuws

Residential & Lifestyle Sales

07 349 7137 / 022 409 4161

Kellie Kanara-Batt

Residential Sales

07 222 5208 / 021 044 7869

Corey van der Meer

Residential Sales

027 825 9485

Gerald van der Meer

Residential Sales & Auctioneer

027 440 4820

Soma Debnath

PA to Gary Singh

07 349 7131

Dan Fergusson

Marketing & Media Specialist

Stevie Jones

EA to Steve Lovegrove

Annette Matthews

Branch Administrator

Courtney McAllister

Sales Co-Ordinator

EVES Whakatane

205 The Strand, Whakatane   07 463 0020    whakatane@eves.co.nz

Steve Lovegrove

General Manager - Eastern BOP

07 222 5234 / 021 727 338

Pat Jarvey

Residential and Lifestyle Sales

07 463 0025 / 027 260 0654

Jessy Kelly

Residential Sales Assistant

07 463 0029 / 027 736 5265

Steve Robinson

Residential and Lifestyle Sales

07 222 5200 / 027 445 9373

Michelle Gibbons-King

PA to Andy Stretton

Caz Baker

Branch Administrator

Shanece Hartstone

Branch Administrator

EVES Property Managers - Eastern Bay of Plenty

1172 Haupapa Street, Rotorua   07 348 3491    rentalsrot@eves.co.nz

205 The Strand, Whakatane   07 348 3491    rentalsrot@eves.co.nz

Joanna Martinez-Hart

General Manager - Property Management

027 499 3465

Tracey Stoneham

Team Leader – Rentals, Eastern Bay & Group Rentals Finance Manager

027 277 7094

Raewyn Greer

Business Development Manager

021 0819 4528

Sam Hide

Healthy Homes Co-Ordinator

07 571 7567 / 027 236 5838

Renuschka Erasmus

Relief Property Manager

Angela Boland

Group Relief Property Manager

027 627 6647

Lea-anne Ropata

Property Management Administrator